Friday, July 30, 2004

Menopause symptom: what is menopause

Menopause: what is menopause?
Menopause is a change in women's body when she reaches between 45-55 years. Her period stops during this phase. The production of hormones estrogen and progesterone reduces which causes a feeling of uncomfortably followed by lack of sleep and changes in mood. The other symptoms may include vaginal infection, inflammation of vagina, urinary tract infection etc. In very little but risk of heart desease is also prevalent in some cases.

Menopause: what are symptoms?
Though the symptoms below may vary from women to women where some women may feel some of all of them.
`` Irregular periods: period are longer, gap between periods are more sometimes even 6 months.
`` women may feel warm in face or chest
`` Osteoporosis or bone problems may occur
`` vaginal infection may lead to painful sex or vagina may become dry and thin
`` Sleeping disorders, tired feeling, feeling stressed

Friday, July 23, 2004

Julia Sharshakova world bikini model beauty peagent first prize winner

The event, bikini model international beauty peagent event started by catwalk in Malta has a girl born in Maldivia as a winner named Julia Sharshakova.

Ukrain's Maryna Gorobets was runner up. Dagnara Romankiewicz from poland baged the 3rd prize. The contest was having contestent from 40 countries. The event was sponsored by Dragonara Casino, Air Malta, St. Georges Park Complex,Elite Foods, Alexandra Palace hotel, Lapsi Hotels, and a number of other local and international sponsors.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

John Howard supporter and a bikini model

John Howard supporter and a bikini model

John Howard supporter
This is a political commentator with a difference. 35 year old bikini model from Alice Springs is a political commentators is running a red hot "Re-elect Prime Minister John Howard" campaign via the internet from Kansas.

She claims to have 1.3 million hits on her conservative political website last month. Her website has a lot of her pictures in bikini which attracts a lot of visitore and in turn she could pass on her message to them.  "I am campaigning for John Howard because I consider him to be fundamental in the global war on terror," she said.

Now this opens a new avenue for political compaigns mixing of technology and fun with a targeted message passed.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Bhujanga Asana: Perfect for women who wants to be pregnant

Bhujanga or Cobra asana has backward bending movement. The spine is arched towards back that in turn helps in flexibility.

Method of performing this Asana.

1. First you should lie down on your stomach. Bend the head and neck backwards by keeping palms on floor just below the shoulder blades and the elbows should touch middle part of the body.
2. Raise the head and chest above naval upwards while inhaling. Keep your legs tight upto toes.
3. Be in this posture for 6 sec. Remember, you have to hold on your breath in this posture for 6 seconds.
4. Lower down your head towards floor and exhale. Relax your whole body and keep one of your cheeks on floor for minimum 6 sec. Congratulation, you have completed one round of Bhujanga Asana.

You could start it with 3 rounds and could go upto 4. Try to increase the time while you are up gradually. Do relax for some time in between rounds. Please don't do this asana during pregnancy.

benefits:- Improves spinal region, fresh blood supply to spines and increases flexibility. Energize the upper part of the body including chest, shoulders, head and helps give a younger looks to women. Helps in constipation and increases appetite. It also helps reduce the problems of uterus and ovaries, and helps in proper menstrual cycles. And above all it helps women and prepares her body for pregnancy.

Yoga during pregnancy and motherhood

Performing yoga during pregnancy helps to strengthen the health of the expecting womenand improves the psychological well being. Yoga helps in understanding the causes and effects of our circumstances in life and this inturn deepens our insight and wisdom. It enhances the self esteem and confidence and mother is far more confident during pregnancy.

The yogic philosophy provides positive and optimistic outlook towards life. Yoga is a perfect way to get fit during pregnancy. It helps keeps control on blood pressure, normalize thyroid functioning, strengthen the pelvic area and helps keep mother calm. It is better to consult a yoga teacher to get good results and to know which yoga is perfect for which stage of pregnancy.

Yoga during pregnancy and motherhood

Performing yoga during pregnancy helps to strengthen the health of the expecting womenand improves the psychological well being. Yoga helps in understanding the causes and effects of our circumstances in life and this inturn deepens our insight and wisdom. It enhances the self esteem and confidence and mother is far more confident during pregnancy.

The yogic philosophy provides positive and optimistic outlook towards life. Yoga is a perfect way to get fit during pregnancy. It helps keeps control on blood pressure, normalize thyroid functioning, strengthen the pelvic area and helps keep mother calm. It is better to consult a yoga teacher to get good results and to know which yoga is perfect for which stage of pregnancy.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Early symptom of pregnancy, the first symptom of pregnancy

The few of the early pregnancy symptoms which should not be ignored if you are trying for a child. The first symptom of pregnancy visible and could be felt swollen breasts, fatigue, Vomiting(most important symptom), sensitivity to odor's, frequent urination, Craving for certain foods, missed period.

The swollen breasts could happen due to increase in body hormones. The body makes extra effort in making the baby and increased level of hormones could collectively give a fatigue feeling even if no work is done during day. Due to increase of estrogen in the body system sensitivity to odors could increase. Some women could have a high sensitivity to odors like cauliflower or a Bologna sandwich.

Some women also gets repulsive feeling to certain foods which they enjoyed earlier and special liking for some. Due to increase in amount of blood and fluids in the body which happens during pregnancy, extra fluids are processed by kidneys which causes frequent urination.