Friday, February 27, 2004

Online Dating - 8 Sizzling Tips To Make Your Profile Standout!

We know one of the hardest part of creating your profile is describing yourself to others. Dating gives you the freedom to define & express yourself so you can put your best foot forward. Following are some time tested nuggets that can assist you in creating a compelling & attention grabbing profile.

Honesty is the Best Policy

As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. Honesty is taken seriously at Dating and it's the single most important thing to remember when writing a great profile. It's much easier to write about yourself if you are honest about who you are. It prevents you from having to spin ways to best sell yourself or guess at what you think other people want to read.

A major part of being honest is not misleading people down the road. People will assume that what you write is true — and you don't want to set people up for a surprise later by stretching the truth in your profile. For example, if you hate mountain climbing, don't say you love it just to grab the eye of an outdoorsy type.

Give Some Thought Of What Sets You Apart.

How are you different? What gives you your unique character? If your friends were describing you, what would be the three things they would all say about you? These are good questions to ask yourself as you get ready to write your profile.

Put Your Negativity Aside

Often times, people start their ad off with, “I’m sick of … !”, “ I’m tired of…!” or “ I hate Brunette…!” etc. It’s advisable not to include this as the first thing that you want to express in your profile ad. It just gives the impression of too many unhealthy relationships in the past. Instead, try to be more positive & upbeat in your profile. Soon enough you will notice a leap in the response rate.

Stay Open & Be Conversational.

Leave formality at the door and write your profile like you are talking to a good friend. Of course, there are some things you might tell a good friend that you probably don't want to include in your profile. It's a good idea to avoid mentioning past relationships and exes, or discoursing on being lonely or desperate. Be optimistic!

Show How, Don't Tell.

The best profiles show, don't tell, who you are at your best. If you are known for being funny, try explaining how or why you are funny - such as, "I've been known to show up to a party in a wig", instead of "I have a good sense of humor." Paint a picture in their minds of the kind of person you are.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The importance of this point can’t be emphasized more. Your smile, the background that you're photographed in, what you're wearing; they all paint a picture of what you're truly like. And including a recent photo will get you 800% the attention.

Updating Your Profile Often.

Keep your profile fresh. Every now and then, go back to your profile and update it to let people know you're still out there.

Go Through Your Spelling & Grammar.

Check your profile for typos and spelling mistakes before you submit it. Show that you spent time thinking about them while writing your profile. Always proofread your ad & run it through a word processor, such as Microsoft Word so that you can have your spelling & grammar checked.

The Ayurveda Approach to a Healthy Menopause and Natural Hormone Replacement


The medical community is quickly evolving its understanding of menopause. Following the abrupt, early halt to the HRT portion of the Women's Health Initiative last July, due to findings that Hormone Replacement Therapy's risks outweighed its benefits, headlines now read "Menopause is not a disease, but a normal part of life." Hormone "replacement" therapy (HRT) has become simply hormone "therapy" (HT) in recognition of the fact that replacing estrogen is not natural and brings dangerous side-effects, rather than the fountain of youth once touted.

Shocking and novel as these concepts may be to today's medical community, they are nothing new to Maharishi Ayurveda, a consciousness-based natural medical system from ancient India. For over 5000 years, Ayurveda has acknowledged menopause as a natural transition, not a mistake of Mother Nature's that requires hormone replacement therapy. Maharishi Ayurveda reassures us that menopause can be health-promoting, spiritually-transforming and free of troublesome symptoms.

Experts today are affirming this positive view of menopause, stating that it is not natural to get weak bones, heart disease and rapid aging after menopause. Rather, osteoporosis, heart disease and other chronic health problems develop over a lifetime, resulting largely from poor diet, stress and lack of physical exercise. And hormone replacement therapy (HRT,) once heavily promoted as the medical solution to these problems, is no longer recommended for their treatment or prevention.

Menopause: A "Balance Deficiency"

What is recommended for the prevention of major health problems after menopause is a healthy lifestyle. And, according to Ayurveda, healthy living is also the best way to ease symptoms of the menopause transition itself. How balanced, or overall healthy you and your lifestyle are when you reach menopause largely determines how smooth your transition will be. If you are "burning the candle at both ends" in your 30's and early 40's, you are more likely to have mood swings, sleep problems and troublesome hot flashes when your hormones start to change. Whereas if you are have healthy lifestyle habits and are managing your stress effectively, you are likely to breeze through menopause without any major problems.

Health problems at menopause represent imbalances in the body that were already growing in the body and are unmasked by the stress of shifting hormones. Menopause symptoms are Nature's wake-up call to let you know you need to start paying more attention to your health. Age forty-five to fifty-five is a critical decade, according to Ayurveda. It provides the foundation on which your later health is laid. Just like putting money in your IRA, timely investing in your health can dramatically increase your "yield" of healthy years at midlife and beyond. Particularly if you have not been taking care of yourself in your 30's and 40's, making lifestyle changes now is critical to ensuring that you age gracefully without the burden of chronic health problems.

What You Can Do Now to Get "In Balance"

While eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise provides the foundation of good health for everyone, each woman's menopause experience is unique. Symptoms vary from woman to woman. Knowing precisely how your body is out of balance can guide you in selecting the key lifestyle changes you should make to relieve your symptoms. Ayurveda describes that the type of symptoms you have depends upon which bodily principle or dosha is "out of balance" in your mind/body system.

There are three bodily principles: movement and flow (vata or airy), heat and metabolism (pitta or firey), and bodily substance (kapha or earthy.) And there are three basic types of imbalances relating to each of the three doshas. Easing your menopause transition can be as simple as "reading" your dosha symptoms and taking measures to get your doshas back in balance. The following symptoms and lifestyle prescriptions are indicated for each of the three dosha imbalances:

V-Type- Prone To Nervousness: anxiety, panic, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of skin tone, feeling cold, irregular periods, insomnia, mild or variable hot flashes, constipation, palpitations, bloating and joints aches and pains.

Ayurvedic Tips: Increase warm food and drinks, regular meals, early bedtime, oil massage, meditation, yoga, walking and spices such as fennel and cumin. Decrease caffeine and other stimulants, refined sugar, cold drinks, salads.

P-Type- Prone to Hot Temper: anger, irritability, feeling hot, hot flashes, night sweats, heavy periods, excessive bleeding, urinary tract infections, skin rashes and acne.

Ayurvedic Tips: Increase cooling foods, water intake, sweet juicy fruits (grapes, pears, plums, mango, melons, apples,) zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, organic foods. Go to bed before 10 PM and try to wind down earlier in the evening. Decrease excessive sun and overheating, hot spicy foods, hot drinks and alcohol.

K-Type- Prone to Weight Gain: sluggishness, lethargy, weight gain for no reason, fluid retention, yeast infections, lazy, depressed, lacking motivation, slow digestion.

Ayurvedic Tips: Increase exercise, fruits, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, spices such as black pepper, turmeric and ginger. Get up early (by 6AM). Decrease meat, cheese, sugar, cold foods and drinks.

Your Hormonal "Backup System"

Ayurveda describes that your hormonal changes at menopause will be smooth and easy if three factors are in place.

Your mind/body system (consisting of three doshas) is in "balance."
Your diet is wholesome and rich in phytoestrogens.
Your body is "clean" and uncluttered inside so your hormones and body can "talk" effectively.
Did you know that your ovaries and adrenal glands continue to produce estrogens and "pre-estrogens" after menopause, providing your body with its own hormonal backup system? Ayurveda describes that this hormonal production after menopause will be optimal if your mind and body are "in balance," providing just the right amount of estrogen to prevent hot flashes and keep your bones, skin, brain, colon and arteries healthy without increasing the risk of breast or uterine cancer.

Balancing your doshas, as discussed above, is the first approach to ensuring optimal hormone production after menopause, but Ayurvedic herbs can also help. Indian asparagus root (shatavari; asparagus racemosus), thick-leaved lavender (chorak; angelica glauca- related to the Chinese female tonic Dong Quai,) licorice root, sandalwood, pearl, red coral, rose and others are used by skilled practitioners in balanced, synergistic combinations to help relieve hot flashes, libido problems, irritability, mood swings and other menopausal symptoms.

Hormonal Help from Plants--It's Not Just Soy!

Diet also plays a key role in balancing hormones during and after menopause. It is well known that Japanese women rarely experience hot flashes, probably because their diet contains large amounts of soy, a food rich in certain plant estrogens called "isoflavones." Soy products are not the only source of plant estrogens, however. Another equally healthful source of phytoestrogens are "lignans," compounds found in a variety of whole foods including grains and cereals, dried beans and lentils, flaxseed, sunflower seeds and peanuts, vegetables such as asparagus, sweet potatoes, carrots, garlic and broccoli and fruits such as pears, plums and strawberries.

Common herbs and spices such as thyme oregano, nutmeg, turmeric and licorice also have estrogenic properties.

It turns out that if you simply eat a varied diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dried beans you will be ingesting a rich phytoestrogen feast in your daily cuisine! Variety and moderation are important because just as too much estrogen is unhealthy after menopause, too much phytoestrogen may also be dangerous. This danger can be avoided by getting your phytoestrogens naturally from a variety of whole foods, rather than from supplements or concentrated tablets.

When You Can't Stop Flashing, Get The "Lead" Out!

More serious symptoms, such as frequent hot flashes, continual sleep disturbance, and moderate to severe mood swings, are signs of deeper imbalances that, if left untreated, will persist to set the stage for later disease. For these more troublesome symptoms to manifest, the tissues of your body–your bones, muscles, fat, organs, skin, and blood–must be disturbed in some way. Ayurveda describes that stubborn symptoms are usually due to the buildup of wastes and toxins, referred to as "ama," in your body's tissues.

For example, hot flashes that won't go away despite herbs, diet, exercise, and perhaps even HRT usually represent a problem with ama. One of my Ayurvedic mentors explained it this way: When your body's channels are clogged with wastes, the heat from metabolism builds up in your tissues. Hot flashes result from sudden surges in blood flow as the body tries to clear the channels and dissipate the heat buildup quickly. A similar phenomenon occurs when you have a heater set on high in an overheated room with all the windows and doors closed. To cool down the room, first you must turn down the heater (see Tips for P-Type above) but you also need to throw open the windows and doors (as in removing the ama) so the heat can flow out.

We can understand this analogy medically in terms of hormone receptors. No matter how much estrogen or phytoestrogen you have floating through your bloodstream, it does you no good unless it connects with your body's estrogen receptors, the tiny "keyholes" on your cells. Estrogen and phytoestrogens fit these keyholes like minuscule keys and through them gain entry into your cells. When the receptors are clogged with debris or "ama," your hormones cannot get into your cells to do their work. Then bothersome menopause symptoms may persist despite a variety of attempted therapies.

In this case, a traditional Ayurvedic detoxification program referred to as Maharishi Rejuvenation Therapy (MRT), or "panchakarma," may be needed to clear the body's channels and gain relief. This internal cleansing approach is also the treatment of choice for more serious problems such as osteoporosis and high cholesterol. A study published in a recent issue of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine confirmed that this ancient technology of herbalized oil massage, heat treatments and mild internal cleansing therapies does indeed reduce toxins in the body. Hormone disrupting PCB's and pesticides such as DDT were reduced by approximately 50% after just 5 days of treatment. Other studies have shown overall reduction in health symptoms, a rise in "good cholesterol," and reduction in free radicals from MRT.

In my clinical experience, MRT can be very transforming, eliminating symptoms while at the same time dramatically reducing stress and fatigue. After a week of treatment, my patients not only report feeling much better, they radiate health and youthfulness and many experience a profound sense of well-being and inner peace.

It's Not Too Late

The important point to remember at midlife is that health problems don’t pop out of nowhere when your estrogen levels start to fluctuate and fall off. Rather it is the cumulative effects of damaging lifestyle habits--late nights, fast food, eating on the run, lots of stress, too little exercise--over decades that set in motion chronic disease and aging well before menopause. Your symptoms are simply telling you just how out of balance you are. The good news is that with a few basic lifestyle changes, and the healing power of Maharishi Ayurveda when needed, underlying imbalances can be resolved, paving the way for a smooth menopause transition and great health in the years to come.

8 Steps to Scoring Big in a Bar

If you’re single, you’ve probably gone to a singles bar at some point in your life, hoping to make a love connection. But what determines whether tonight will be your lucky night? Chance? Kismet? Maybe. But most times it has more to do with skill than luck.

After hundreds of hours in bars, pubs and nightclubs—watching thousands of singles in action—I’ve unlocked the little-known secrets of finding romance at your favorite watering hole. In fact, my research was so successful, that I’m now able to walk into any bar, and within minutes, I can tell who is going to get lucky … and who is going home empty handed. Because let’s face it, there’s nothing better than the intoxicating butterflies that flutter in your stomach when your new love interest gives you that “morning after” phone call.

Catching those butterflies isn’t as hard as it seems. Whether you’re trying to enhance your dating life or meet the sweetheart of your dreams, there’s an art to scoring big at a bar. And believe it or not, you don’t have to be ravishingly beautiful to get lucky. You just need to know how to play the game so you come out ahead.

Yes, you read that right. Dating is a game. Just like chess, scoring big in a bar takes a winning strategy. Here’s an easy eight-step process that’ll help you score big in the love department. Because let’s face it, if you want the Monarch’s to be dancing in your belly tomorrow morning, you need to learn how to play the dating game pronto, before someone else beats you to the prize.

1. Look Your Best. If you think about it, singles bars are called “meat markets” for a reason. You’re the “meat” and you have to display your wares to make “shoppers” want to buy. Grunge might be comfortable, but after age 25, the frumpy look won’t get you to first base.

Men, wearing a sports coat will give you a competitive advantage. Why? Because women like men who look successful and confident. By sporting a classier look than your brethren, you’ll come out on top. Women, I have three words for you: show some skin. Don’t even think about wearing a turtleneck to a bar.

Let’s face it, after 30, very few of us have the hard-bodied figures we once did, but that doesn’t mean you need to hide your assets. Even if you’re a little plump, it’s better to show your skin than to hide behind a bolt of frumpy fabric.

2. Limit Your Alcohol. Although a drink or two can lower your inhibitions, drinking too much will send the wrong impression. And falling off the barstool is a definite no-no. If you tend to drink more when you’re nervous, try alternating between your favorite drink and a club soda with lime. No one has to know that there’s nothing stronger than carbonation in your drink!

3. Exude Confidence. Self-confidence is crucial if you want to be lucky in love. If you have a swagger in your walk, and a cocky tilt to your chin, your Rolodex will bulge with prospects. So how do you exude confidence when you’re trembling inside?

There are two strategies that work well. First, fake it ’til you make it! Yes, that’s right, just pretend to have confidence, and amazingly, others will perceive you as self-confident. And then pretty soon, that confidence will be real.

Second, deal from strength. After all, you’re probably the best at something. Maybe you’re the smartest person in the room. Or maybe you know you can beat just about anyone at Backgammon. Or maybe you can solve complicated algorithms in your head. Maybe you’re a true native in a town of transplants. Whatever you’re good at, borrow that confidence, and when you walk into a bar, hold your head high knowing there’s no one else quite like you.

4. Cross the Great Divide. Amazingly, I see both men and women who go to a bar or singles party in the hopes of meeting someone new, but then they spend the entire evening either by themselves or talking to the same-sex person they came with.

Newsflash: if you go to the trouble of being showered, shaved and cologned, you might as well take action. An important step in meeting someone new is actually saying hello. Instead of thinking, “I wish that person would come up and talk to me,” take the initiative and be the one who breaks the ice.

Something as simple as a smile and a hello will work just fine. Just let your feet do the walking, and break that invisible barrier between you and the person you want to meet. After all, you can’t meet someone new if you don’t even try. Just keep in mind that dating is a numbers game, and you may need to chat with more than one person before you make a love connection.

5. Be Friendly. A sparkling personality is worth its weight in—well—drinks. If you’re naturally effervescent, keep it up, and it won’t be long before love finds you. If you’re not, it just takes a bit more work.

It helps to look good and feel great. Then keep a smile on your face and focus on other people. One key to being a great conversationalist is to ask interesting questions. Things like, “What do you do for a living?” And “Where are you from?” will spark other questions or things you have in common.

Another way to score points in the friendly category is to be up on current events. This doesn’t mean you have to be a news junkie, but it helps to be abreast of current topics. With 24-hour news stations and breaking news on the Internet, it shouldn’t take long to become well-versed in the topics du jour. Oh, one note of caution: unless someone’s political affiliation is a deal-breaker for you, stay away from politics and religion.

6. Men, Whip Out Your Wallet. “Can I buy you a drink?” is a sure sign of interest. Being too cheap to ask will get you a cold shoulder, followed by a cold shower … alone.

This is where you need to walk a fine line. There are certainly women out there who want free drinks—and nothing else. So how can you tell the difference between a woman who is using you to get free drinks, and someone who is really interested?

By reading her body language. Is she looking directly at you, with dilated pupils and unblinking eyes, or is she looking somewhere else? Is she leaning into you, or is she pulling away from you? (For the entire scoop on body language, see Chapter 3 in Dating 101.)

If her body language is positive, ask her if she’d like something to drink. Then, while you’re sharing your first drink together, exchange business cards. If she doesn’t have a card (or doesn’t want to give you one), ask for a way to contact her. If she’s hesitant to give an email address or cell phone number, chances are good that she has no intention of seeing you again, so put your wallet away and move on.

If she readily gives you a way to contact her, you’ll score more points by being generous than by being frugal. And if you really want to score big, offer to call her a cab at the end of the evening, just to make sure she gets home okay.

7. Be Honest. If you’re not interested in someone, it’s better to make a graceful exit that to waste that person’s time. Something as simple as, “I’ve enjoyed talking to you, but it’s time for me to go mingle,” lets the other person know that there you’re not seeing stars.

Honesty is always the best policy, because if you say you’re going to the bathroom and then never come back, you might end up with a stalker on your hands. If you’re the person being dumped, be gracious about it. Just because someone’s not interested in you right now, doesn’t mean things won’t change at some point in the future.

Because most of us tend to frequent the same places, chances are good that you may see that person again. Keep in mind that if you get angry and say something mean, you’ll never make it past “hello” next time, so it pays to be nice.

8. Have Fun. Instead of putting unnecessary pressure on your big night out, give yourself a break. After all, tonight is only one night out of your life. Instead of having unrealistic expectations, grab a same-sex friend, and plan on having a good time. Without the pressure of having to find someone in five hours or less, you’re more likely to enjoy yourself.

Plus, when you’re laughing, talking and smiling, you’re more approachable than when you’re nervous or tense. After all, wouldn’t you rather chat with someone who’s laughing than someone who’s sitting in the corner alone, looking desperate and lonely?

Now that you know the eight easy steps to scoring big in a bar, get out there and do it. The first step toward winning the game is actually going out there and playing it. And just like any other game, this one takes practice. So if you don’t meet someone tonight, remember this … there’s always tomorrow!

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Ladies, Is Your Valentine the Cheating Kind?

According to statistics, 50% to 70% of men cheat on their mates. What type of man is most likely to cheat? Ruth Houston, infidelity expert and author of “Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs” says, “Some men are more likely to cheat than others. You can tell by looking at certain things in their background, their past history, or certain character traits.”

What about the man in your life? Is your valentine the cheating kind? Houston says the following questions will help you rate your mate to see if he’s a potential cheater.

Has he cheated in any of his past relationships?

Does he have a parent who cheated?

Does he believe in monogamy?

Does he have male friends who are cheating on their wives or girlfriends?

Does he have a lot of female friends?

Does he thrive on adventure?

Has he had a great deal of sexual experience prior to your relationship?
Generally speaking, the more “yes” answers, the greater the likelihood that he will cheat. But some answers carry more weight than others. To find out what your answers mean and see if you’re dealing with a POTENTIAL CHEATER, a COMMON “GARDEN VARIETY” CHEATER, an EXPERIENCED CHEATER, or a HARD-CORE CHEATER visit

“Even you only have one ‘yes’, Houston warns,” there’s still cause for concern. But there are certain precautions you can take. To get a FREE Tip Sheet titled “How to Handle a Potential Cheater.” send an e-mail to: and place the words "Potential Cheater Tip Sheet” in the subject line.

5 Ways to Entertain Your Kids When They're Off School but Your Home Business is Open

1. Put in a DVD/video. What is it about children that they can watch the same movie over and over again? Take advantage of this fact.

2. Barter with the parent of your child's friend. She can take them to a movie or watch them at her house for the day. Just be sure to return the favor on a weekend or day your home business is closed.

3. Check with your local YMCA or museums. Many of them offer special full or half day programs on school holidays.

4. Put them to work. Smaller children can certainly stuff envelopes. Older ones can possible handle data entry. Let them practice their alphabetizing skills with your orders. Either you will get clerical work done by your helpers or they will stay out of your hair so they won't have to help.

5. Hire a babysitter. If schools are closed, that means your high school aged babysitter is off for the day, too. Ask her to watch the kids for a few hours or all day. Then close the door to your office and ask her not to disturb you unless it is an emergency.

Am I Weird If I Date Online?

True story: A few years back I was working with a client who had recently moved to Los Angeles. She was single, did not know many people in the big city, and felt a little lonely. I innocently suggested she give online dating a shot. It seemed like an easy and pressure-free way to meet people, and I had other clients who enjoyed their experience and were in good relationships as a result.

"What kind of desperate person do you think I am?!?" she snapped.

She apologized, but explained that she felt “weird” about online dating. This perked my curiosity, so later I asked some of my other clients if they ever tried it. Some only confessed after their faces turned three shades of crimson. Since I am a strong proponent of online dating, I dispel any stigma or embarrassment when I recommend it to my clients. This is what I tell them:

For many singles, life moves like Richard Petty around the Talladega Speedway. We change jobs every few years. We relocate more frequently. We cannot remember the last time we answered a phone with a cord. Even if time is not the issue, some single people cannot shake the feeling that everyone else is happy while they are always alone. We may look at online dating as an act of desperation, because “normal people don’t need something like that.”

The simple fact is that you are not weird if you use an online dating service. We only feel weird when we think we are doing something outside the norm. Consider this: over 40 million people in the US access online dating websites every month. It is the fastest growing sector of online content. There is no reason to feel embarrassed, because if you date online you are actually part of a huge group.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to find someone special, or at the very least make some new friends, so why not use every resource available to you? You do not get extra points for meeting someone in a bar or while waiting for dry socks at the Laundromat. Does it matter to you how you met the important people already in your life? You probably barely even think about it.

By setting up a personal profile and a list of likes and dislikes, you invest time in yourself. More importantly, you are taking action by trying to improve yourself and your situation. You are putting yourself out there and taking control by refusing to be lonely and isolated.

I have found many advantages to the Internet. The anonymity of online dating allows you to roll out of bed, hair standing in ten different directions, breath smelling like Boston Harbor at low tide – then click! You stumble on a person you will be dating in a few weeks. The cost compared to going out and searching is next to nothing. You can learn more about a person’s interests to see if they mesh with yours. You do not have to deal with the harshness of rejection in person. You have a huge pool of people to explore (remember, 40 million!) from all walks-of-life, people you would never have the chance to meet within your neighborhood or small circle of friends.

There is also fraud and deception. You will probably come across a photo that looks eerily like Pamela Anderson – right down to the copyright in the lower corner. Clients tell me about married people posing as single. Nevertheless, these issues of honesty exist both on and off-line, so do not let that stop you from finding the partner you want.

With 43% of the U.S. population being single and with so many single clients asking me about Internet dating, I began to put a guide together to help my clients use this service effectively and safely and avoid these pitfalls. I want everyone to find the happiness they deserve and want to make this Tool book available to everyone for Free! To get your free E-Book, “Tools To Internet Dating” go to and get your copy today.

Don’t be ashamed or afraid, learn the best and safest way to use the Internet to take control of your life and find the person you deserve!

Effective Ways To Remove Dark Cicles Under Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are known to be signs of stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, malnutrition, allergies etc. They can have an enormous effect on your appearance. Luckily you can easily make them disappear naturally or by applying some some ingredients or products to the affected area.

The easiest and healthiest ways to remove dark circles would be by getting plenty of sleep, rest, increasing your water intake at least 8 glasses of water a day & last but not least eating well.

Sometimes applying natural products like cooled tea bags & sliced cucumbers can help reduced the puffiness

Beauty products can also do the trick. Peter Thomas Roth AHA / Kojic Acid Under Eye Brightener, Oleda Time machine for dark circles, Emergin C Lighten-Up, Under eye Circle Fighter are all products well know for diminishing dark circles under eyes.