Acne in late twenties or adult acne

You thought that acne is problem only in teens. Acne can affect any age group and in fact there is a rise of acne cases and Acne in late twenties is growing. If acne in late twenties occurs it brings with it a long lasting physical and psychological ramifications. Adult acne is more severe as it could leave permanent scars as due to the ageing of the skin it loses collagen.
The perception is changing about occurrence of acne in a particular age group. It is required too as if we recognize this as a real problem then only we could find better ways to fight it out. The causes and affect of adult acne or acne in late twenties is different then teen acne and so is medication. Due to lack of public awareness, people with acne problem in their adulthood seldom seek medical advice. However, the times are changing and people are now taking this with stride.
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