Friday, August 05, 2005

Self Breast Care

Self Breast Care

Self Breast Care: Most breasts are asymmetrical. Study your own breasts carefully. The key to breast examination is change therefore, you must be aware of what is normal and what is abnormal for you.

The following changes should be watched very carefully in a self breast care:

  1. Lump: Lest then 10% of lumps are cancerous, so it is difficult to say without the help of expert medical personal. Get advise from a doctor if you feel one.

  2. Watch out for moles iif it has changed in size or color

  3. Dimpling or puckering, an unusual in the prominence in the blood veins on either breasts, or retraction of the skin.

  4. Inverted nipples: If your nipples are always being inverted nothing to worry. If it has recently inverted then further examination is essential

  5. Discharge from one or both nipples. You can look for it inside the bra before going for an examination.

  6. Enlarged or inflamed glands. See a doctor if that does not subsides after 2-3 weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there** I am impressed. Nice layout! I design web pages and do internet seo for companies so I can help you put a face lift on your blog anytime. No charge! If you could please post this link to a couple of cancer web sites from here. The first one is about: skin cancer. It's filled with skin cancer pictures and information...This one is a great mole remover. If you are not sure if you have a mole or skin cancer you gotta see these very graphic: skin cancer mole picturesThere are many forms of skin cancer like melanoma and basal cell that can kill you. I just want to save a couple of lives with this info so please help. Thanks and remember if you need help my Web design company isReno SEO... hope to hear from you.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, can you post these Cancer links for me from here?
They are actually about Skin Cancer...These are links for
Cancer Information
. There are many forms of skin
cancer. If you don't know what skin cancer looks like:
Skin Cancer Mole Pictures
is a great site for reference.
"These Skin Cancer Mole Pictures are pretty gross but you
need to see this stuff so they can avoid skin cancer." Here is the best
location for information about Moles and
Mole Removal"
the site "Mole" has an
herbal mole remover

11:57 PM  

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