Healthy Diet prevents depression, nervousness, anxiety, and irritability

Short temper, laziness, irritability, dullness etc could be prevented primarily by will power or in fact with clean and healthy diet. Yes, it is true. Lets us see how. Unhealthy food habits can lead to high blood pressure, cancer, or diabetes or in fact, it affects who you are.
Food affects mood, which in turn affects personality. Serotonin is a brain chemical, which is responsible for all this and could make us calm and relaxed. Carbohydrate rich food at dinner could give you a relaxed sleep as this helps in producing serotonin. The other chemicals in brain which affects our mood are dopamine, norepinephrine. These chemicals primarily make us feel alert and help us to concentrate better. Amino acids, which we could get from protein rich foods like chicken and eggs produce these chemicals.
Sodium and potassium present in salt are responsible in regulating balance of fluids inside and outside body cells. These 2 affect our muscles and nerves. Our diet should include low sugar, low salt, and low caffeine.
All of us know that fats are bad for obese people. What we all don't know is that our brain which is comprised of 60% fat requires polyunsaturated fats which contains omega 3s, omega 6s. These cannot be manufactured by the body but has to be consumed. Include tuna, salmon, walnuts, canola oil, and cereals in your diet for a healthy nutrition to brain.
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